
What does "lesson" mean in the VR simulation?

Our lessons are meant to emulate the basics of driving training. This includes, among other things, vehicle operation, traffic signs, and right of way regulations. Students can approach the exercises…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

What lessons are currently available?

The lessons are as follows: Vehicle basics. Driving basics. Manual transmission: Introduction. Manual transmission: Driving basics. Speed & distance. Traffic lights and warning lights. Right of way.…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

Which city drives are currently available?

At the moment, the core test area of the city of Berlin is available for selection. In this map there are 4 drives with different levels of difficulty: Introduction. Regular drive 1: Easy. Regular dr…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

What is a "city drive"?

In a city drive, you can implement and deepen your learned skills in a realistic traffic scenario: follow traffic rules, interact with other road users, and react to random dangerous situations. Our…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

Is a city drive a 1:1 copy of the real city?

Our city drives are based on online map data, with a focus on applicable traffic rules. This makes the roads, lanes, road markings, traffic signs, and traffic lights as close to reality as possible.…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

What are dangerous situations (scenarios)?

Dangerous situations, or scenarios, are random situations during a city trip. Examples of this are crossing pedestrians who do not pay attention to car traffic, or unforeseen behavior of other traffi…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge
