Drive summary: 360º videos

Abby Legge Updated by Abby Legge

For every bookmark or driving error that you mark in your Yaak car during the driving lesson, a 20-second 360° video is automatically created.

Click on the video thumbnail view to enter full-screen mode and play the video either horizontally or vertically. As soon as the video is running, you can use your fingers to swivel the camera view to the left or right. This will show you the whole context of the driving error or bookmarks.

In the lower part of the screen you will also get information about the current speed, whether and how much the student has braked or accelerated, and whether the high-beams or turn signals were active.

During the video, you will be shown in the top part of the screen which error was marked, and whether the instructor pedal was pressed. For the latter, we automatically generate an annotation. This means that we always record a video for you if you have applied the accelerator or brake instead of your student.

Press the [x] in the upper right corner to exit the video and return to the map.

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