Drive summary: Overview

Abby Legge Updated by Abby Legge

When you have finished your drive and evaluated your student's performance, you will be taken to the drive overview.

For expert drives, only the drive route is displayed here.

For student trips, the overview shows the route starting with the first driving mistake or bookmark. Swiping left and right on the lower half of the screen, you can go through the mistakes and bookmarks in chronological order. The center of the map will automatically adjust to the next driving mistake (or bookmark).

The overview box in the lower half of the screen also shows the type of driving error, the chronological numbering, as well as a 360° video preview and, if applicable, the correlated Curriculum Item(s).

Please note that, depending on your location and network connection, the processing of the video recordings may take a moment.

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Drive summary: Driving mistakes and bookmarks
