Why don't I see the new account I created?

Abby Legge Updated by Abby Legge

When you create a new account (admin, instructor, student), an invitation email will automatically be sent to the email address used. If this has not happened:

  • The mail might be in the spam folder, so please ask the recipient to check there as well.
  • Make sure that the email address is correct.
  • Also make sure that the email address has not already been used or that the user has not already been created.
  • Check whether you have assigned the correct role to the new account (student or instructor).
  • Check if you see the account you just created in the user database of the admin tool. If this is not the case, please try to create the account again.

If the problem persists, please contact us via support@yaak.ai, or open the "Contact" page in your user profile via the Yaak app to reach us via WhatsApp.

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