Expert drives

What exactly are expert drives?

Expert driving helps our system to observe, recognize, and understand the ideal behavior in complex road traffic. For this purpose, we use your experience and your driving behavior, which we define a…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

How many expert drives do I have to complete per vehicle, and in what time frame?

Expert drives are essential for the development of our systems, but there are no hard requirements. In the future, special drives can be requested by us. For this purpose, the route and time are spec…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

Where can I see the status of my expert drives?

The current status of your driving school can be found in the Admin Tool at , and can be viewed at any time. In the Instructors and Admins tabs you can see the status of the last month…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

How do I start an expert drive?

Expert driving is an important, as we use your driving data to train our algorithm. If you choose yourself as a driver(and you're a driving school owner and/or teacher ("Me")), you start an "expert d…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

Can I also start an expert drive in a non-Yaak vehicle?

Unfortunately no. Since other vehicles are not equipped with our technology and cameras, it is not possible to record expert drives.

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

What is the best length for, and focus of my expert drives?

An important point! Our system learns from your driving and traffic behavior, so it is immensely important that you approach expert drives as focused as possible. We recommend a length of ~15 minutes…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

Can I do expert drives abroad?

Unfortunately, this is not possible. Our system is currently designed for the German road traffic regulations. In addition, we have deactivated the roaming function for the SIM cards in the built-in…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge
