Before driving: Select and set up

How do I start a student drive?

When you are ready to start a new drive, press the green car icon in the middle of the bottom of the screen. In the following drive settings screen, select the student driver and the vehicle. If the…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

Can I also use the app to document manual transmission drives?

If you want to complete a driving lesson in manual transmission, this must be done on a non-Yaak vehicle, as our EVs have automatic transmissions. Nevertheless, you should use the Yaak app to record…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

Why can the student be seen in the app, but I can't select them?

This is because the student in question has not yet registered in the app. This is necessary to agree to our Terms and Conditions and privacy policy. This must have been done before the first drive.…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

How can I continue a driving lesson in the app?

In the event that you want to start a drive with the same student and vehicle as in the previous lesson, the app will ask you if you want to continue the last drive. If you confirm this, all subject…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

How do I select my vehicle for a drive?

Before you can start a drive, you must first select a car. Only vehicles assigned to your driving school will be displayed in the list. Non-Yaak cars without hardware are not displayed in the vehicle…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

Why is my vehicle not visible in the list?

After the ignition is switched on, it takes a little time for the system to start up (usually around 90 seconds). Only then go to your vehicle list in the Yaak app and search for the license plate of…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

Why can't I start a "non-Yaak car drive"?

This has two possible reasons: You have deactivated GPS on your phone. We need GPS for these trips in order to be able to record the route. Therefore, activate GPS in your phone in order to be able t…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

Why can't I start a new drive?

You can't start a new drive if: The Yaak car or the app are offline. There is still an active drive running. You have not yet selected a vehicle, driver and/or lesson topics. Please make sure that yo…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

Is there a maximum length for drives?

Glad that you asked. In fact, drives have a length limit of 150 minutes. If you want to make a longer drive, just take a short break and start a new one before your drive session times out (30 minute…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

I want to do a driving lesson without a specific topic: how do I do that?

There are two ways and reasons to do this: Either you select all topics in the "Basic" and "Intermediate" categories so that your student is evaluated simultaneously on all subject areas. Or you can…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge
