While driving: Annotate and evaluate

What does the "bookmark" button do in the annotation screen?

You can use bookmarks if you want to record a video of a situation that is not necessarily related to a driving error. Possibilities include a situation that you would like to discuss again with the…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

How do I document errors while driving?

While driving, the "Driving Error & Bookmark" screen is displayed. If your driving student makes a mistake, simply press the corresponding topic area to mark the location, correlated curriculum conte…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

How do I finish and rate a trip?

When a trip is complete, press the "End drive" button at the bottom of the screen. Before you can check the route, driving errors and bookmarks, you will be asked to evaluate your student's performan…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

Why can't I finish my current drive?

This is usually due to a poor internet connection, e.g. if you park in an underground car park. Please try again after a few seconds, you may have to find a place with a better connection. If the pro…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge
