
I'm stuck: All that is visible is a screen that tells me to put on the seatbelt, adjust the seat, put on the headset and look straight ahead.

Please put the headset into sleep mode by tapping the on/off switch once and then wake it up again by tapping it again. If the problem is not solved, please contact the simulator supervisor.

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

My 3D hands disappear from time to time.

The hand recognition system is having difficulty recognizing your hands. If you have long sleeves, pull them up so that the wrists are clearly exposed. If you wear gloves, take them off.

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

My 3D hands don't touch the steering wheel, even though I am touching it.

The hand detection system may not be set correctly. Please notify the simulator supervisor.

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

I don't see anything in the headset, everything is black.

The connection cable may not be properly inserted in the headset or in the simulator PC. Please notify the simulator supervisor.

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge

My head movements are not recorded properly.

Please make sure that nothing is hiding the cameras on the 3D headset. For example, the headset should not be held on the sides like binoculars. Please also make sure that the room is well lit. If in…

Abby Legge
Updated by Abby Legge
